It’s been more than a decade now since the dream of LifeNet became a reality. In 2001, Bishop George and his wife Rev. Beatrice Mbulo were moved by the plight of homeless and needy children in their country of origin, Zambia located in South Central Africa.
They decided to help some of these children in various facets of life such as shelter, feeding, putting them through education as well as meeting other physical and social needs. The results have been very positive and encouraging.
Great efforts and strides have been made to yield positive results in changing lives through LifeNet over the past 16 years. However, the institution has grappled with the aspect of numerical growth and operating in rented facilities. Therefore, LifeNet embarked on a building project of a 40 bed capacity home for boys which has reached an advanced stage.

This institutional home will have other amenities that will enhance its day to day operations. This means that LifeNet will be able to house more children, resulting in more lives being changed.
As we expand our territory in rescuing vulnerable and disadvantaged children of our society, as well as move away from regular expense of house rentals and other utility expenses, there is more to be done and we need your help.
It is our earnest hope that you will stand with this vision as the completion of this home becomes a reality, and together we can save One Child at a Time.
If you would like to partner with us and assist in the completion of the Orphanage, please click here.